
  1. Make a local clone of this repo: git clone
  2. Go to the directory: cd Palindrom
  3. Install the local dependencies: npm install
  4. Start the development server: npm run serve
  5. Bundle by calling npm run build in your shell, or npm run build-watch to automatically rebuild after every file change
  6. Open the test suite: http://localhost:5000/test/MochaSpecRunner.html

Updating documentation

Everything in docs folder is automatically fetched by the website and each MD file is considered a documentation section. Sections are sorted alphabetically; it's recommended to prefix your file with a numeric ordering index. Eg. (,


To release new version run

npm version <patch|minor|major> # to replace version in files and tag the repo
git push && git push --tags
npm publish


You can test Palindrom using three methods depending on your need (what you've modified):

  1. CLI testing: it is perfect for testing Palindrom only (as opposed to testing Palindrom + PalindromDOM). It's the fastest and the easiest to run, all you need to do is run:
npm run test-node
  1. Local browser testing: This allows you to test (Palindrom + PalindromDOM), you can run it by following steps 4, 5, and 6 from Development section.

  2. SauceLabs CLI Testing: This runs in the CLI, but it needs SauceLabs credentials, and Selenium needs to be running, to run it:

    1. Install Sauce Connect.

    2. Add your SAUCE_USERNAME and SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY environment variables to your machine.

    3. Connect to SauceLabs using the command sc /u %SAUCE_USERNAME% /k %SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY% where sc is the executable you get when you download Sauce Connect.

    4. Start a web server npm run serve

    5. In project's root folder, run npm run test-sauce

To run all CLI tests together, run:

npm run test