Navigation Interception

PalindromDOM gives a regular HTML document the benefits of a single-page application by adding a special optimisation to the internal web links.

Regular links in the current host are cancelled and replaced by a GET XMLHttpRequest to the same URL with Accept: application/json-patch+json header. Upon this request, the server modifies the model and responds with a patch that contains the minimum set of changes to navigate to the URL.

The browser navigation (i.e. the back, forward and reload buttons) is preserved by the use of the HTML5 History API.

Only links in the current host without the target attribute or with the target attribute set to _self are intercepted.

Sometimes, you need to disable interception even for links within the application. And as mentioned above, if you set the target attribute to anything else than _self, the navigation from that anchor will not be intercepted.


<a href="internalLink.html" target="_top">Go to internal link</a>

... even if internalLink.html is part of your application, PalindromDOM will not intercept the navigation and the browser will issue a full HTTP request to internalLink.html.

As the value of the target attribute, you might consider one of the following keywords that have a special meaning in HTML:

  • _top - load the URL into the current browser tab or window
  • _blank - load the URL into a new browser tab or window

You can find more information on the target attribute at MDN.

Cancellable events before and after navigation

Before and after morphing the page upon navigation within your app, PalindromDOM dispatches bubbling navigation events, palindrom-before-redirect and palindrom-after-redirect. You can use these events to watch or even cancel navigation.

The palindrom-before-redirect cancellable event is dispatched before the navigation occurs, with detail object containing href: String property that contains the URL.

To cancel PalindromDOM navigation, you can cancel palindrom-before-redirect event by calling event.preventDefault() inside your event handler. Then, after you show your confirmation box or whatever purpose you cancelled the navigation for, you can continue the navigation by calling palindrom.morphUrl to the same URL. To record the navigation URL, you can get it from event.detail.href of palindrom-before-redirect event.

The palindrom-after-redirect event is dispatched after the navigation occurs, with detail object containing href: String property that contains the URL and data: Object containing the JSON response.


A programmatic call to palindrom.morphUrl also triggers the navigation events listed above. To distinguish between the events caused by a user interaction and a call to palindrom.morphUrl, you may use a local variable.

let handledNavigation = false;
document.addEventListener('palindrom-before-redirect', event => {
    if (!handledNavigation) {
        if (confirm('Are you sure you want to leave this page?')) {
            // to prevent futher blockage
            handledNavigation = true;
        } else {
            // to show the dialog when navigation happens again
            handledNavigation = false;

PalindromDOM only triggers the events palindrom-before-redirect and palindrom-after-redirect for the intercepted links. For non-intercepted links, you may use the native beforeunload event.