
Palindrom is a library for two-way data binding between local and remote JSON models. It uses JSON-Patch for data updates and Operational Transformation for versioning and data consistency. It operates via HTTP or WebSocket or both.


After DOM is ready, initialize with the constructor:

 * Defines a connection to a remote PATCH server, gives an object that is persistent between browser and server
var palindrom = new Palindrom({remoteUrl: window.location.href});

// ..
// use palindrom.obj
palindrom.obj.someProperty = "new value";
  • Note 1: Please make sure you pass the correct PATCH server URL.
  • Note 2: palindrom.obj is only available after options.onStateReset is called.


Options (Palindrom() constructor argument)

All the argument's properties are optional.

var palindrom = new Palindrom({property: value});
Property Type Default Description
remoteUrl String Required PATCH server URL
onStateReset Function Called after initial state object is received from the server (NOT necessarily after WS connection was established), it can be called again if the state was reset by a root-replacing patch. Arguments: Object New state object
useWebSocket Boolean false Set to true to enable WebSocket support
debug Boolean true Toggle debugging mode
filterLocalChange Function A function that is called with every local change and allows you to filter (ignore) some changes. See Filtering Patches section. Arguments: Object Operation to go through the filter
onLocalChange Function Helper callback triggered each time a change is observed locally. Arguments: JSONPatch Patch (array of operations)
onRemoteChange Function Helper callback triggered each time a change is received from the server and applied. Arguments: JSONPatch Patch (array of operations), Array Validation results
onPatchReceived Function Callback triggered each time a JSON-patch is received. Arguments: JSONPatch Patch (array of operations) that was send by remote, String URL from which the change was issued, String HTTP method which resulted in this change ('GET' or 'PATCH') or 'WS' if came as Web Socket message
onPatchSent Function Helper callback triggered each time a JSON-patch is sent. Arguments: (String data Patch (array of operations) serialized to string (optional, i.e. null if method equals GET), String url, String method)
onSocketStateChanged Function Helper callback triggered when socket state changes. Arguments: number state, String url, String data (optional), number code (optional), String reason (only if code is provided)
onError Function Helper callback triggered when a generic error occurs. Arguments: PalindromError Error object that has the following properties: String message. It extends ES6 Error, it has the stack trace with all the information Error class offers.
onConnectionError Function Helper callback triggered when socket connection closed, socket connection failed to establish, http requiest failed. Arguments: PalindromConnectionError error). PalindromConnectionError has the following properties: (String message, String side <Server\|Client>, String url, String connectionType). It extends ES6 Error class, it has the stack trace with all the information Error class offers.
onIncomingPatchValidationError Function Helper callback triggered when a wrong patch is received. Arguments: Error Error object
onOutgoingPatchValidationError Function Helper callback triggered when a wrong patch is locally issued. Arguments: Error Error object
localVersionPath JSONPointer disabled local version path, set it (and remoteVersionPath) to enable Versioned JSON Patch communication
remoteVersionPath JSONPointer disabled remote version path, set it (and localVersionPath) to enable Versioned JSON Patch communication
ot Boolean false true to enable OT (requires localVersionPath and remoteVersionPath)
purity Boolean false true to enable purist mode of OT
pingIntervalS Number 0 Palindrom will generate heartbeats every pingIntervalS seconds if no activity is detected. 0 - disable heartbeat
retransmissionThreshold Number 3 After server reports this number of messages missing, we start retransmission
onReconnectionCountdown Function Triggered when palindrom detected connection problem and reconnection is scheduled. Called every second until countdown reaches 0 (inclusive). Arguments: number milliseconds to scheduled reconnection.
onReconnectionEnd Function Triggered when palindrom successfully reconnected. No arguments.
jsonpatch Object window.jsonpatch The provider object for jsonpatch apply and validate. By default it uses Starcounter-Jack/JSON-Patch library.

most of the properties are accessible also in runtime:

Attribute Type Default Description
remoteUrl String Required See above
obj [readonly] Object {} Your initial state object, please read notes below.
useWebSocket Boolean false See above
debug Boolean true See above
onRemoteChange Function See above
onPatchReceived Function See above
onSocketStateChanged Function See above
onPatchSent Function See above
onConnectionError Function See above
onIncomingPatchValidationError Function See above
onOutgoingPatchValidationError Function See above
version String semver Contains current Palindrom version, available statically too (i.e: Palindrom.version)
  • Note 1: palindrom.obj becomes only available after options.onStateReset is called.
  • Note 2: palindrom.obj is a constant (as in const) property, you can modify its properties but you can't assign it again or delete it. palindrom.obj = {} would throw an error.

Binding object once is ready (onStateReset)

To bind object where you need once it will be fetched from remote you can use define onStateReset in constructor:

var palindrom = new Palindrom({remoteUrl: url, onStateReset: function (obj) {
  document.getElementById('test').model = obj;

Sending client changes to remote

Palindrom detects changes to the observed object synchronously. So after


The JSON Patch request will be send to the remote.

Two-way data binding frameworks

Palindrom works superbly with frameworks that allow for two-way data binding, such as Polymer, React, Vue and Angular. These frameworks have the ability to bind an <input> element to a JavaScript data model in a way that the object updates after each keystroke. In consequence, Palindrom sends a patch the server after each keystroke.

If you want to opt-out from such behavior, you need to force your framework to update the data model after the element is unfocused (blur event). Depending on the framework:

  • In Polymer 0.5 it is only possible with a Custom Element that extends the native <input>, similarly but not exactly how core-input is dome
  • In Polymer 0.9+, use built-in <input value="{{bindValue::blur}}">
  • In Angular 1.3+, use built-in <input type="text" ng-model="name" ng-model-options="{updateOn: 'blur'}" />

Upgrading to WebSocket (useWebSocket)

You can upgrade the communication protocol to use WebSocket by setting useWebSocket: true option in Palindrom constructor or you can switch it at any moment by palindrom.useWebSocket = true.

WebSocket is a replacement for requests that would be sent using HTTP PATCH otherwise. The requests sent over HTTP GET (such as link clicks) are not affected.

:bulb: Note that this is an experimental implementation in which the WebSocket upgrade request URL taken from X-Location header of your first AJAX call response.


// enable it in constructor
var palindrom = new Palindrom({remoteUrl: url, useWebSocket: true});
// change it later via property
palindrom.useWebSocket = false;

Heartbeat and reconnection

Palindrom will try to detect connection problems and then reconnect to server. If pingIntervalS is set it determines maximal time without network activity. When this time passes and no activity has been detected Palindrom will issue a heartbeat patch (an empty patch, consisting only of version operations).

When connection problem is detected (e.g. there was no response to heartbeat or websocket has been closed) palindrom will schedule reconnection and trigger onReconnectionCountdown callback with number of milliseconds to scheduled reconnection as argument, it will then trigger it every second. When countdown reaches 0 (callback is still called then) palindrom will try to reconnect (using /reconnect endpoint) to server. If this reconnection fails then new reconnection will be scheduled for twice as many seconds (i.e. first it will occur after a seconds, then two seconds, then four, etc.). If reconnection succeeds, onReconnectionEnd callback will be triggered and normal operations will continue.

For successful reconnection, palindrom sends a list of pending patches (those sent, but unconfirmed by server) to /reconnect endpoint and accepts a new state (along with version numbers) as a response. It then resets to this new state and resumes its operations.